typing machine by Lucia Dossin

I am a social historian (MA) from the University of Helsinki where I lectured for over ten years. I live in Brussels and share my time between research, science journalism, and projects that combine research and art. I run my own micro publishing house Low-Stress Press.

I have experience in academic publishing, editing journals and making zines. I blog for the Finnish Association of Science Editors and Journalists and do freelance writing. I am also a
phototherapy trainer (studies at Muurlan opisto with University of Turku and Suomen valokuvaterapiayhdistys 2019-2020), and a member of Finnish Bioart Society. I am at the editorial board of NO NIIN and Ydin magazines.

History from individual belonging up to supranational identity building interests me. I have written on definitions of professions, social history of handwork, vernacular culture and the use of visual material in history (finding, presenting, archiving, curating). Grass root designers’ work and ideas fascinate me.

My work often combines research with photography. I have been involved in the planning of exhibitions in museums, galleries and pop up spaces. Urban activism and social innovations have taken me to places near and far. I take part of cultivating a collective allotment garden of an old psychiatric hospital (Lapinlahti) in Helsinki.

My research, documentary photos and artwork have been published in journals, books, online and shown in group exhibitions in Finland and abroad.

You can see my list of publications here, and some of my projects and activities here.

You can reach me at:

La Parc Josaphat, Bruxelles 2024 (self made cardboard camera obscura)